Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Federal Reserve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Central bank - Essay Example The Board of Governors is designated by the President who controls the elements of the Federal Reserve System. There are Federal Reserve Banks which works in significant urban areas of US. The significant targets of the Federal Reserve System are focused on the government assistance of the US economy. The Federal Reserve System in US is answerable for boosting the work openings in US, balancing out the costs in US economy and accomplishing strength in long haul loan fees (Wells 58). The money related arrangement is structured by the Federal Reserve System of US. Different elements of the focal financial framework in US incorporate guideline of the financial structure that incorporates the administration and the private players just as the warning chambers. The national bank likewise offers money related types of assistance to other vault organizations. The general budgetary strength of the economy of US is the duty of the Federal Reserve System. Before the Federal Reserve System was set up in 1913, there were around 30000 monetary standards in the economy of US. Numerous business houses and even the street pharmacists could give cash notes for monetary exchanges. This made a circumstance of unsteadiness in the economy of US. ... Aside from this, the different monetary standards in US had various divisions and qualities. The nonattendance of a normalized cash made distinction and issues among the brokers. The business, imports and fares all endured because of the nearness of shifting quantities of monetary forms and unlucky deficiencies of normalized type of money in the economy of US. The Federal Reserve System of the US was made to normalize the cash of the economy of US and in this manner set up a place of strength in the economy (Gray 98). The Federal Reserve System gives a focal financial framework to the economy of US where the business and he people could store their cash in the standard money of US dollar. The contributors could likewise pull back their cash from the Federal Reserve System at the period of scarcity. These withdrawals occurred in the equivalent normalized cash of US dollars. Consequently the Federal Reserve System could drive away the moderate monetary standards and their changing qual ities and built up a normalized type of cash to be trailed by the clients and dealers all together give a composed money related framework and adequacy in liquidity. The US economy perpetually needs the Federal Reserve System in the economy without whose capacities there would be abundant mutilations in the economy that would hamper the financial development of US. This could be comprehended from the jobs and duties of the Federal Reserve System and the suggestion on the US money related and financial framework without its job. The Federal Reserve System assumes the job of adjusting between the incorporated job of the administration for the government assistance of the economy and the private interests of the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ayuda para inmigrantes vctimas de abuso laboral

Ayuda para inmigrantes vctimas de abuso laboral El Departamento de Justicia brinda ayuda a los inmigrantes que vienen an Estados Unidos con una visa no inmigrante de trabajo y child vã ­ctimas de explotaciã ³n laboral. Porque deben saber que la ley los protege. Lamentablemente child relativamente comunes los casos de todo tipo de abusos, que van desde no pagar el salario acordado a retener pasaportes pasando por instancias muy desagradables de asalto sexual. Si se producen alguna de esas conductas, se puede solicitar ayuda. Y a continuaciã ³n se informa sobre quã © debe saberse. Ejemplos de trabajadores protegidos en sus derechos Los extranjeros que vienen temporalmente a trabajar en la agricultura con H-2A o en trabajos que no requieren titulaciã ³n pero no child agrã ­colas como la H-2B. E incluso los que vienen por intercambio con una visa J, como la de maestros u live in housekeeper, o profesionales con otro tipo de visas laborales como la TN para mexicanos o la H-1B. Porque desgraciadamente todos los trabajadores pueden ser vã ­ctimas de abuso. A quã © tiene derecho los extranjeros con una visa de trabajo Entre los derechos de los que gozan se encuentran los siguientes: Conservar en todo momento consigo su pasaporte y otros documentos de identificacià ³n.A ser pagados de acuerdo a la ley. No pueden ser pagados menos que un estadounidense por el mismo tipo de trabajo. En este punto, consultar siempre cul es el salario mã ­nimo establecido por el gobierno government y tambiã ©n el que fija el estado en el que se desempeã ±a el trabajo, ya que puede ser prevalent y entonces habrã ­a que respetarlo.A no ser obligados a continuar trabajando, si uno no lo desea. Pero ojo con abandonar el trabajo sin consejo de un abogado, ya que podrã ­a dar lugar a que la visa se diese por terminada y a que no se pueda tener presencia legitimate en Estados Unidos.A reportar abuso laboral sin sufrir ningã ºn tipo de represalias.A pedir ayuda a sindicatos (associations) y a grupos relacionados con la defensa de los derechos e intereses de los trabajadores.A no ser vã ­ctima de promesas falsas por parte del empleador relativas a la paga, nã ºmero de horas trabajada s, tipo de trabajo, lugar a desempeã ±arlo o incluso sobre las caracterã ­sticas del alojamiento. Quã © hacer en los casos de explotaciã ³n laboral Se recomienda llevar un diario en el que se anotan los problemas que surgen cada dã ­a asã ­ como las horas que se trabajan y la retribuciã ³n de las mismas. Asimismo, debe mantenerse el trabajo salvo casos extremos. Ayuda an inmigrantes vã ­ctimas de explotaciã ³n laboral Llamar para reportar abuso a la Lã ­nea para reportar explotaciã ³n laboral en el nã ºmero 1-888-428-7581. Este nã ºmero de telã ©fono depende del Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos y es atendido de lunes a viernes en de 9 de la maã ±ana a 5 de la tarde, en horario de la costa Este.â En casos graves y urgentes siempre se puede llamar a la Policã ­a marcando al 911. Los mexicanos pueden contactar con el Centro de Informaciã ³n y Ayuda conocido como CIAM. Es un telã ©fono gratuito que brinda excelente informaciã ³n sobre quã © hacer o refieren an abogados u organizaciones sin balance de lucro con buena reputaciã ³n. Adems, si cree que usted es vã ­ctima de explotaciã ³n laboral no acepte el consejo del abogado que le provea su empleador, ya que sus intereses y los de à ©ste no coinciden y el consejo recibido puede que no sirva a sus intereses. A tener en cuenta con visas H-2A y H-2B Lamentablemente, los abusos child especialmente frecuentesâ en casos de inmigrantes temporales legales que tienen visas H-2A (agricultura) y H-2B (no agricultura).â Incluso a veces el abuso comienza risks de viajar an Estados Unidos cuando los reclutadores exigen condiciones muy gravosas para dar el trabajo, por ejemplo, que se deje en fianza las propiedades de fincas. Es muy importante evitar esos abusos. Esta es una lista de reclutadores en Mã ©xico para esas visas incluyendo un listado de aquellos que causado en el pasado este tipo de problemas. An esos los feed que evitar. Particular para indocumentados Si se est en los Estados Unidos en una situaciã ³n migratoria de indocumentado verificar cules child las reglas del estado en las que se vive en relaciã ³n a los derechos para recibir salarios y sobre condiciones laborales. Algunosâ estados protegen a los trabajadores en esos dos aspectos sin preguntar cul es el estatus migratorio. En todo caso tener presente las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos y la nueva polã ­tica de deportaciones establecida por orden ejecutiva del presidente Donald Trump. Este artã ­culo no es asesorã ­a legitimate para ningã ºn caso concreto. Su funciã ³n es meramente informativa.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Quick Guide on the Most Important Commas

Quick Guide on the Most Important Commas (1) Did you know that some commas could be more “important” than others? Ok, that’s not strictly true. A properly placed comma is usually essential for conveying exact meaning in anything you write. However, certain commas leave a glaring error when left out. The four commas listed below are the kind that, when omitted, reduce not only the clarity but the credibility of your writing. That’s something you don’t want to mess with at school or in the real world! After an Introductory Phrase It’s all about clauses. You see, a complete sentence has what we call an independent clause. This clause has both a subject and a verb. You add variety to your writing when you start adding dependent clauses to these independent onesâ€"phrases that lack either a subject or a verb. You can add a dependent clause to an independent clause using commas. The introductory phrase is one such dependent clause. It is added to an independent clause and joined to it with a comma. Introductory phrases are special in that they are always at the beginning of the sentence. Example: Although the cat ran fast, I ran faster and caught him. You can easily identify the introductory phrase hereit starts off the sentence. You may also notice a particular part of speech at the beginning of the phrase: a preposition (“although”). You see, introductory phrases can be spotted because of their prepositions. Pretty much any time you start off a sentence with a preposition, you know you have an introductory phrase. But how do you know where to place the comma? That part is usually easy to spot: the comma comes right in front of the main subject. In the example above, “I” is the main subject; therefore, the comma joining the introductory phrase to the independent clause appears there. Note: Introductory phrases can also start with gerunds, -ing words like “being,” “seeing,” and so on. Example: Being a recluse, Jenny studied by herself in the dorm. Surrounding Non-Essential Clauses Another type of comma that joins dependent clauses to independent clauses is the non-essential (also called nonrestrictive) clause. This is the phrase that you insert into a sentence to add some nice thoughts, but is not necessary for the meaning of the sentence. For example, an appositive is a type of nonessential clause. An appositive re-names the noun, so it adds information but is not necessary. Therefore the appositive is always surrounded by commas. Example of Appositive: The most accomplished violinist in the class, Jane Doe, got first chair after tryouts last week. Since there can only be one “most accomplished violinist,” Jane Doe’s name is just extra information and is therefore surrounded by commas. But of course, a nonessential clause doesn’t have to be an appositive. Any phrase inserted into a sentence that isn’t necessary needs to be surrounded by commas. Example of Non-essential Clause: My cat, who is eight years old, died last week. Do you see how we didn’t need to know how old the cat was to know that it died last week? It’s nice to know how old the cat was, of course, but because it’s not necessary, it’s nonessential. Thus it needs both commas. Before a Coordinating Conjunction One of the other more important commas in the writing world is the comma that accompanies the coordinating conjunction. What is a coordinating conjunction, you ask? I like to remind students of the acronym most of us learned in grade school: FANBOYS. This stands for: For And Nor But Or Yet So Whenever one of these words is used to combine two independent clauses, a comma needs to appear just in front of the conjunction. You might combine independent clauses when you want to add variety to your writing by having longer sentences, or because the information is so similar in two sentences that combining them only makes sense. Example: I went to the swimming pool, and the kids were so rowdy that I left early. You can tell that this is two independent clauses because they can be sentences on their own: “I went to the swimming pool” and “The kids were so rowdy that I left.” Joining them together makes the writing flow better. It is easy to forget this comma, but it is important so that your sentences don’t become extremely long and encumbered. After Items in a Series Another important comma is the one we use between items in a series. When you have a list of three or more things, leaving out the comma adds a lot of confusion. Let’s look at an example so you see how confusing the absence of this comma can be: Example: When I went camping, I gathered my tent my flashlight my sleeping bag and some food. Do you see how these items look like they all combine into one object? If nothing else, this list looks unorganized and choppy without some punctuation. Let’s look at the correction. Corrected Example: When I went camping, I gathered my tent, my flashlight, my sleeping bag, and some food. Now our list looks organized and it is easy to tell one object from the next. As you can see, commas in a series are quite necessary. Note: The final comma in a list, often called the serial comma or Oxford comma, is not always required. This comma is the last one in the list, the one right in front of the coordinating conjunction (usually “and”). The use of this comma is usually up to the style being used, and in the professional world, the most common place for the serial comma to be omitted is newspapers. In the academic world, the serial comma is usually required. Where is Your Missing Comma? This is by no means an exhaustive list of commas; after all, the title of this article is “Quick Guide on the Most Important Commas.” While you might have a different opinion about which commas are the most important, I find knowing these heavy hitters helps students the most. Now that you’ve read a little bit about these major commas, take a look at an essay you’ve written recently and see if you can’t find a few places where a comma might be needed. You might be surprised to see you know commas better than you realized!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Great Deal About Carl Jungs Theories Regarding the Significance of Dreams Free Essay Example, 3500 words

As building blocks of the collective unconscious, Jung suggested that archetypes could take just about any particular form, but almost always represented the same basic ideas. Jung also called these components dominants or mythological primordial images. The archetype has no form of its own, but rather can be described as a need or an instinct. It is something that is not felt like a specific desire for any one particular thing (Pierce, 2007). Pulling largely from the individual s understandings of mythology and legend, the archetypes can provide a great deal of information about the various issues one might be dealing with personally, professionally and as a citizen of the world as they operate within the world of the dream. Some of the more common archetypes identified by Jung include the Mother, the Shadow, the Hero and the Teacher. These are not necessarily individuals or even specific faces that are seen in a dream but are instead used to refer to sets of concepts such as the security, comfort and support one typically associates with images of the mother, or the sequential growth process that occurs as a part of every hero journey. We will write a custom essay sample on A Great Deal About Carl Jungs Theories Regarding the Significance of Dreams or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page The anima or animus is the archetype through which you communicate with the collective unconscious generally, and it is important to get into touch with it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My First Interview With A Special Education Teacher Essay

Field Questions My first interview was with a special education teacher, Marie Argenio. Ms. Argenio teaches 7th and 8th-grade students in English, reading, and writing, this is a pull-out program. Ms. Argenio also co-teachers a 10th-grade science class for one period. 1. Do you feel that co-teaching is helpful or effective for students with exceptionalities? Yes, I do feel that co-teaching can be effective. Added question: Why is it effective? By keeping the student in the general education classroom, they are still being challenged while receiving the necessary accommodation. Sometimes pull-out classes are below level. If necessary I can pull them out at any point and work with them individually. 2. How do you meet the needs of the students with IEP’s in the co-taught classrooms? In the co-taught classroom, I use specially designed instruction. For example, I will give the students word banks to use or give note skeletons. Actually, the science teacher has me give all the students the word banks because they are good study guides. I also make accommodations during tests, such as crossing out two of the multiple choice answers. Being in the science classroom, allows me to check on each students’ progress with their homework. 3. Do you think that having students with exceptionalities in an inclusive classroom poses a distraction for other students? At times it does because some students may be disruptive. Sometimes the issue can be severe if the student isShow MoreRelatedClassroom Management and Pull-out Services: Research questions and Personal View on the Research Topic1706 Words   |  7 PagesResearch Questions and Supporting Resources Through my research, I created fifteen interview questions related to my topic of choice. Each of my research articles directly address my topic for this project, however some are specifically related to a particular aspect of my topic. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Trust Issues Found on Family Trip Free Essays

My parents and I had been looking forward to our trip for seeks and everything Just seemed precisely planned and made us all excited as the days got closer. That to me was what it meant when you had a family trip, to me It was a time where you get excited to be together and work on building this bond that you all have and just enjoy each other’s company. You start counting days down and get hyped up wanting adjust be at that one place where you know a new level of family love can be found. We will write a custom essay sample on Trust Issues Found on Family Trip or any similar topic only for you Order Now You realize that in this place is where any problems can be forgotten even If Just for a temporary time and that you can find new adventure amongst the simplest spot with the most beloved people in your life. However sometimes moments can change and become ones that will affect you for possibly the rest of your life, this is unknowingly what was in store for my family and l. Hernandez 2 Wanting to stay with my Aunt and uncle who live in Arizona, my parents and I went for New Years expecting a fun family time. Unexpectedly my father’s grandmother ended up passing away so amongst our trip he decided to stay back for her funeral. Arguing back and forth about what to do occurred with the end result being that my father would stay behind to later come up to Arizona and take us back home at the end of the stay. Unfortunately as time went on through the week my parents continuously fought over the phone to the point where my father told my mother he no longer wanted to be with her. This shocked me as I wanted my parents to be together forever, I did not want them to end and I definitely did not want my family to split up. My mother certainly did not want that so she got my father to be calm enough to agree that when he came down to Arizona they should in person actually talk things through. The day had later finally come where my father was now with us and my mother wanted to have a thorough conversation with him. Being only 13 at the time I was still young and thought well they can work it out I know they can, they always work their problems out, so there is no way they will break up. However I was so wrong, hearing the words that my father spoke to my mother truly broke my heart. Saying he no longer loved her and he couldn’t be with her honestly shook me to my core, I Just could not believe that right before my eyes I was seeing my parent’s 1 OFF and that I knew he loved my mother. Being young I could not have imagined the real reason behind his words that ended up feeling like a knife in our family back. Believing my father’s words I simply believed that he had fallen out of love with my mother. I did not like it but no matter how much I tried to change my father’s mind he would not budge. Therefore, I saw that I had no say in the matter at all that really what I wanted did not nor Hernandez 3 would it ever matter. In having no choice in the matter I felt heart broken, my family was simply slipping through my fingers. Being only 13, still so young I would have never imagined that behind my father’s words were lies and the fact that he had cheated on my mother. Honestly he became someone different to me at this moment, e was like a stranger, definitely not the father I once was close with. Within finding out this information I lost all respect for my father and faith that relationships last, even in the belief that families can really always remain together. Saying that my trust in people had changed was an understatement, I had went from trusting my father was a great guy to not being able to believe a word he said. In seeing how easily my father could hurt my mother and Just leave his family made me think if he could do that then why wouldn’t someone else I love do that. I began to think that all people especially men were liars and cheaters. I felt that I wouldn’t be able to trust again and I wouldn’t be able to fall in love or have a family of my own. My thoughts were that two people making promises to love one another for the rest of their lives was Just nothing but a lie. My ability to trust had been completely broken, but within this I also felt abandoned by the one man who had said he would always be there. My father had lied and in thinking he was Just leaving my mother had left me too, so I believed that was what all men were capable of. I felt that if I gave anyone the lightest ounce of my trust that I would Just get hurt again and being heartbroken was not a feeling I wanted to go through yet again in my life. An apology was never even heard through any of it by my father so I Just assumed he didn’t care at all. It wasn’t until going to a therapist and actually talking my feelings out happened that I heard an apology. In hearing that years later at the age of 17 was when I began to realize that no matter what I wish would have happened or wished I could have changed, it Hernandez 4 would never be different. My parents would never be together again and my father loud never undo the hurt he had caused and the anger I had felt towards him. No matter how much I wanted my father to be the same guy I had always looked up to he wouldn’t because I had lost my respect for him and my trust in him. Losing my trust in him was one of the hardest things to deal with, but I knew I still loved my father and over time I wanted to be able to have a relationship with him again. In realizing this I saw that I had to move forward in my life and forget the past in order to work at rebuilding my trust not Just within my father but in people in general. That I had to let go of my hurt and anger towards my father in order to have the chance at that new relationship. In simply wanting this I knew that looking to the future was the only option no matter how much my past had changed me, therefore the past had to remain in the past. I had to mature and be happy moving on and enjoying my life, There you have it a family trip turned into a moment that split a family a part and caused trust issues along with so much hurt and anger. It went from being about relaxation to uncovering lies and deceit in someone who was so beloved to me. Having my trust broken and questioning relationships made me believe I would never be happy. Over time however, I was able to realize that the past had to stay in the past, that I had to only look forward to the future. I knew I wanted to be happy and regain my sense of trust, so slowly piece by piece that has been able to begin to be rebuilt. I still do have issues that I know will take more time to fix, but at least now all I really look forward to is having a bright, happy future. One where hopefully my relationship with my father can change and be Just as good as it used to be before the New Year’s trip we had went wrong. How to cite Trust Issues Found on Family Trip, Essays

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Communication Studies Reflection free essay sample

Reflection â€Å"It Shouldn’t Hurt To Be A Child† The scene takes place in a doctor’s office. David and Sarah Thompson have brought in their 10-year-old son Michael because of an ankle sprain. As the doctor enters the room, Michael is sitting on the examination table in shorts and a T-shirt with a bare right foot and ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are sitting in chairs close to him. Doctor: So, you are Michael. I am Dr. Gupta. Nice to meet you Michael. [shakes Michael’s hand] How are you doing today? Michael: Okay. Doctor: [turning to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson] And are you Michael’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson? Nice to meet you. [extends hand to shake] Mrs. Thompson: Nice to meet you also. [shakes hands with doctor] Mr. Thompson: Charmed I’m sure [shakes hands with doctor] Doctor: Ok.. [turning back to Michael] So what brings you in today, Michael? Michael: I hurt my ankle. We will write a custom essay sample on Communication Studies Reflection or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Doctor: How did this happen? Michael: I was skateboarding and, I don’t know [pauses and looks over to his parents] I guess I just slipped or something? Doctor: When did this hap†¦.? [Mrs. Thompson intrudes] Mrs. Thompson: He did it about three days ago but last night I noticed he was still limping and I thought I ought to bring him in. I don’t think it’s broken, do you? Doctor: Well, let me take a look first. [begins to examine ankle] I’m just going to take a look at your foot. Is that sore? Michael: Ouch! Yes it hurts! Mr. Thompson: Stop being ah fool an leh de docta check yuh foot fuh meh please! Mrs. Thompson: [at Mr. Thompson] Oh gosh.. yuh doh hadda talk to him so.. [Mr. Thompson eyebrows frown together] Mr. Thompson: I ask yuh anything! [Mrs. Thompson remains quiet] Doctor: That’s okay. Let me just do one more thing. I’m going to raise your foot. [raises ankle] Michael: Owwww! Mr. Thompson: MICHAEL! Behave yuh self boy! pinches Michael on the arm] How much times I hadda talk tuh yuh. [Michael begins to cry] Doctor: [looks at Mr. Thompson in disgust] It’s okay, Michael.. [notices bruise in proximal fibular area] What happened here? Michael: I don’t know [pauses] I guess I fell another time. Mr. Thompson: He’s a really clumsy kid. I keep telling him to sta y off that skateboard, but he just doesn’t listen. Doctor: [scanning both of Michael’s legs, stopping over left femur] And here? Another fall? Michael: Yeah, sure†¦ Mr. Thompson: I told you, he’s clumsy, but could you please get back to his ankle? Doctor: [continuing to examine Michael’s arms] Michael, can you take your shirt off for me please? Mr. Thompson: [getting a bit edgy] Doctor, we came in for his ankle. Could you please get back to his ankle? Michael takes off his shirt at the Doctor’s insistence. Doctor: [examines Michael, pausing over several spots on arms and back] Michael, you have a lot of bruises. Some are older than others. What’s been going on? Mr. Thompson: [getting more agitated] Steups, Doctor I rel eh understand wah is de purpose of dis non-sense. I payin my money fuh you to check he foot we could get back to his ankle please. Doctor: I have some concerns. Michael has a lot of injuries and some of them seem to have occurred at different times. When we see that in a child we worry that perhaps the injuries were not all accidental. Mr. Thompson: [rolls eyes] So wah yuh gettin at? Doctor: I’m not getting at anything. I am just saying that for Michael’s safety, we need to check a few things beyond his ankle. For this reason, I am going to have one of our social workers come and talk to you, your husband and Michael. Mr. Thompson: [getting more upset] I rel nuh in de mood fuh dis, yu eh have de right tuh do dat. Doctor: Actually, I do have the right. It’s the law. The main reason I’m doing it is to be sure that Michael is safe at home and I’m sure that is what you want, too. Raising kids can be very tough, sometimes we can all use a little help. Mr. Thompson: look! docta wah nonsense yu tellin mi bout help and how tuh raise mi son, I look like I need any help? If he harden I go beat some manners in tuh he. I is ah big man nobodi gwine tell mi wah and wah nuh tuh do, suck salt eh! I gwine from here! Mr. Thompson storms out the office Doctor: [shouts] Mr. Thompson where are you going? [Looks at Mrs. Thompson as she bursts into tears] Mrs. Thompson: [crying] Doctor please help me! Scene fades